Golf Trips

Use the golf trip feature to easily manage your golf trips

Trip Details

Enter your trip details so everyone knows when and where you are heading. Feel free to include important details like flight and hotel information.

Trip Communication

Enter your trip communication preferences to keep everyone informed. Group members will receive notifications which include important information such as tee times and pairings.

Trip Rounds

Set up events for each round of golf on your trip. You can create matches at the trip level, event level, foursome level, or member level. This is where you can specify your course and tee times.

Golf Group Main Image

Trip Invites

Trip invitations will be sent out to all trip members. Golfers can join the trip through the app. The trip organizer can easily see who has responded yes, no, or maybe to the trip invitation.

Trip Attendance

The app will automatically keep track of who is attending, who is unable to attend, who might be able to attend, and who has not yet responded. The app can also manage a wait list based on who signed up first..

Trip Match

Matches can be created to include all rounds or create additional round by round matches. Matches can be created so the entire group is competing or create any number of smaller matches between groups or individual golfers.